National Bath Safety Month

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 8 out of 10 injuries that occur in the home happen in the bathroom. Two-thirds of these injuries occur while a person is in a tub or shower, and another 2% of injuries happen when a person is getting in or out of the shower or tub.

That’s why it’s important for everyone to make bath safety their number one priority. It’s also why January has been named National Bath Safety Month. This month is designed to raise everyone’s awareness about the dangers lurking in their bathroom for themselves and their children.

Some Interesting Facts About Bath Safety

Let’s take a moment to talk about bathroom safety in a little more depth. We’ve done a bit of research and found some interesting data that we are now sharing with anyone reading this article.

  • Every year, over 234,000 teens and adults slip in the bathroom.
  • Approximately 33,000 teens and adults under the age of 65 are hospitalized after a bathroom fall.
  • About 1 in 3 seniors who have a bathroom accident require hospital admission.
  • Among seniors, 79% of all bathroom injuries are due to slips and falls.
  • Every single day in the U.S., a person dies by using a shower or tub.
  • Every day in the U.S., almost 400 people are injured in a bathroom.
  • Shower chairs, handheld shower sprayers, bathtub rails, and raised toilet seats can make a bathroom safer.
  • The common water heater setting is 140 degrees Fahrenheit, but 120 degrees is much safer.
  • The water heater should never be set below 120 degrees Fahrenheit because that can cause dangerous bacteria such as Legionella to grow.

Observing National Bath Safety Month

National Bath Safety Month can be observed by a person taking the time to do an evaluation of their bathrooms and the risks they present. Once that assessment has been made, a person can then take steps to make their bathroom safer.

This includes the addition of grab bars, nonslip rugs, and adding non-slip mats to the floor of the shower or tub. It can also include making sure that the temperature of the water heater is not above 120 degrees Fahrenheit and installing a shower seat if needed.

To spread the word about this month and to encourage other people to make their bathrooms safer, people should use the hashtag #BathSafetyMonth on social media. There are a lot of people vulnerable to falls in the shower or bath, so let’s take a few moments out of our day to raise their awareness about the risks they face so they can make changes.

When is it?
This year (2025)
January 1 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
January 1 Thursday
Last year (2024)
January 1 Monday
Awareness & Cause