National Corn on the Cob Day

In this world of canned and processed foods, not many people give much thought to corn on the cob. At one point in our history, the only way to enjoy corn was right on the cob. But then, the industrial revolution brought to our tables the convenience of corn stripped from the cobs and either frozen or canned. Fortunately, corn on the cob can still be purchased in just about any grocery store from May through September and is still a popular treat for picnics, barbecues, and family gatherings. Another day people can enjoy this form of corn is on June 11th. This is the day that National Corn On The Cob Day falls—a day dedicated to the goodness of this summertime treat.

Amazing Facts About Corn

If there’s one thing that can be said about corn, it’s that it’s an extremely popular grain. It’s the number one field crop planted in the U.S. and is used to make everything from high fructose corn syrup to fuel alcohol. Corn isn’t just popular, however. It’s also an extremely fascinating grain with a storied history. How do we know? We know because we did a deep dive on corn and have now returned to give everyone the lowdown on this incredible grain.

  • Corn is grown on every continent—well, every continent except for Antarctica.
  • Corn is the most popular field crop in the U.S. It’s also the most valuable in both production volume and overall value.
  • A bushel of corn will sweeten over 400 cans of soda.
  • A pound of corn has approximately 1,300 kernels.
  • There are over 86,000 corn farms in Iowa alone. As of 2021, 97% of these are family-owned farms.
  • Only 1% of planted corn in the U.S. is sweet corn.
  • 99% of corn planted and grown in Iowa is what is called Field Corn.
  • Most Field Corn is used for livestock feed or for manufactured goods and ethanol production.
  • There is a small percentage of Field Corn used for making corn cereals, corn starch, and corn syrup, however.
  • Over 4,000 grocery store items contain corn in some form. This includes toothpaste, marshmallows, and even shampoo.
  • Sweet corn is what is eaten fresh, or frozen, and canned for eating.
  • Corn on the cob is considered to be a vegetable, while corn kernels are considered to be a grain.
  • The Louisiana Corn Festival occurs during the second full weekend of June.

Observing National Corn On The Cob Day

National Corn On The Cob Day can be celebrated by buying some corn on the cob and enjoying it with friends and family. If you’re really into corn, you can also visit one of the many corn festivals and/or parades that are thrown on this day all over the U.S. While you’re celebrating this day, it’s also a good idea to use the hashtag #NationalCornOnTheCobDay on your social media accounts to let everyone know how your celebrations are going.

When is it?
This year (2025)
June 11 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
June 11 Thursday
Last year (2024)
June 11 Tuesday
Food & Drinks