National Kraut And Frankfurter Week

National Kraut and Frankfurter Week is a time for many people in the United States, and around the world, to enjoy a dish that Germans have enjoyed for centuries. In the U.S., German settlers introduced this dish during the 19th century, and it soon spread beyond the German-American community.

Although sauerkraut was briefly renamed “Liberty Cabbage” during WWII to disconnect it from any potential association with Germany, when the war ended, it once again began to be called by its original name, sauerkraut. The combination of sausage (or hot dogs) and sauerkraut might not be as popular as other German foods that have worked their way into American culture, but it’s still a dish plenty of people enjoy regularly. And this holiday is an excuse for everyone to give this dish a try.

The History Of Kraut And Frankfurter Week

Although we have to admit that we’re unsure who invented this holiday week, we do know when sauerkraut and frankfurters were invented. Sauerkraut was first invented during the 16th century to help preserve cabbage. The salt extracted the moisture from the cabbage and created lactic acid, which helped to preserve the mixture.

Both sauerkraut and frankfurters were introduced to the U.S. during the 19th century. Frankfurters became especially popular during the early 20th century, especially in places such as Coney Island, where they were sold off carts on the street. Frankfurters were paired with milk rolls and sauerkraut and sold to the general public — a public that received the dish with much enthusiasm.

Observing National Kraut And Frankfurter Week

This holiday is observed during the second week of February, and we think it’s the perfect time for people to try their hand at making their own frankfurters and sauerkraut. After all, making these two food items isn’t difficult.

Of course, anyone who doesn’t want to go through the trouble can head to their local supermarket and buy commercially available sausages (or hot dogs) and sauerkraut. On social media, the hashtag #KrautAndFrankfurterWeek can be used to spread the word about this tasty holiday week.

When is it?
This year (2025)
February 3 Monday
Next year (2026)
February 2 Monday
Last year (2024)
February 5 Monday
Food & Drinks