Public Service Day

Public Service Day is a holiday created by the United Nations and observed annually on June 23rd. The purpose of this holiday is to honor and celebrate the virtue and value of public service to the community. This holiday has been observed since 2003 and is just as important now as it was when first created. This is a day on which all of us can take the initiative and do something for our communities. It’s also a good day to thank those who work every day to ensure that our communities are safe and secure.

The History of Public Service Day

Public Service Day was first declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 2003 when they passed Resolution A/RES/57/277. The purpose of this holiday was to celebrate public service and to honor those who practice it. It’s also a day on which we’re all asked to do something good for our community. This can be volunteering at a food pantry, picking up trash in a park, or just helping out a neighbor.

Observing Public Service Day

A great way to begin this day is by taking the time to thank the people who already work in the community to keep us safe and healthy. This can mean thanking police officers, medical personnel, trash collectors, sewer workers, and anyone else who puts in hard work for their communities. People can also give a shout-out via the internet to public workers using the hashtag #PublicServiceDay. Another way to observe this holiday is to donate your time and energy to the community in some way. If we all do this, even if it’s just for one day, then we can help our communities thrive.

When is it?
This year (2025)
June 23 Monday
Next year (2026)
June 23 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
June 23 Sunday
Appreciation & Honor, United Nations, Work & Occupation