Architecture Day in Germany

Architecture Day is an event and holiday observed annually in Germany that showcases some of the finest examples of German architecture to the general public. Tag der Architektur, as it’s known in German, takes place on the last weekend in June. Since it’s not a public holiday, businesses operate during their normal Saturday hours.

The events held on this day are organized by architects from the federal states and are fully coordinated by the Federal Chamber of Architects. Many buildings that are normally closed or not fully accessible can be visited by people on guided tours operated by either the owners or the builders and architects of the buildings.

The History of Architecture Day in Germany

This holiday is based on Open Monuments Day, an event first held in 1993. The following year, it was decided that there should be an Architecture Day to allow the general public to look at buildings they wouldn’t ordinarily be able to visit and appreciate. In 2001, it became a nationwide event for the first time, when 1,273 projects in approximately 540 locations were opened. That event attracted an estimated 85,000 visitors.

Observing Architecture Day in Germany

For the past few years, there has been a theme associated with this event. For example, the theme was “Horizons” in 2010 and “Space Creation” in 2019. It’s a great opportunity for anyone interested in German architecture to see beautiful examples that they wouldn’t ordinarily have access to.

German architecture has historically been very diverse, with nearly every major European style represented in its creations. This includes Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance, Modern, Classical, and Carolingian styles. Modern German architecture involves not only reconstructing classic buildings but also working in a Neo-Classical style.

Where is it celebrated?
Germany (Observance)
When is it?
This year (2025)
June 28 Saturday
Next year (2026)
June 27 Saturday
Last year (2024)
June 29 Saturday