National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

When was the last time you cleaned out your fridge—all the way to the back? Be honest. If you’re like most people, then you probably haven’t cleaned out your refrigerator as much as you should have over the past few months. Don’t worry, we’re not here to judge.

But we are here to talk about a holiday that might give you the motivation you need to get all of that old food out of your fridge and into the trash. That holiday is called National Clean Out Your Fridge Day, and it’s a holiday that’s celebrated on the 15th of November every year. Just in time to get the refrigerator in order before Thanksgiving celebrations begin.

Some Icy Cool Facts About Refrigerators

Since we’re talking about refrigerators and how we should clean them out more often, we thought we’d give you some random facts about them. Then you can have some cool trivia to think about while you’re observing National Clean Out Your Fridge Day.

  • Approximately 10% of a household’s total energy use is consumed by the refrigerator.
  • A refrigerator with some food in it is more efficient than an empty one.
  • General Motors produced the first commercial household refrigerator in 1911.
  • By 1956, approximately 8 out of 10 households in the U.S. had a refrigerator.
  • Every year, over 8 million refrigerators are sold in the U.S.

Observing National Clean Out Your Fridge Day

You know what you need to do on National Clean Out Your Fridge Day. The explanation is right in the title, so grab some cleaning supplies and begin pulling everything out of the fridge. Anything that’s gone bad, chuck it into the trash and return the rest to the fridge. When that’s done, use the hashtag #NationalCleanOutYourFridgeDay to encourage everyone else to clean out their refrigerators as well.

When is it?
This year (2025)
November 15 Saturday
Next year (2026)
November 15 Sunday
Last year (2024)
November 15 Friday
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