National Couple’s Day

National Couple’s Day is a holiday observed annually on August 18th. It’s a day for people to come together in love and celebrate their relationship. Although there are several holidays dedicated to love and romance, most of those other holidays are more concerned with secondary details than they are with celebrating the state of the relationship.

Valentine’s Day and those other holidays are too commercialized. On the other hand, this holiday seems to concern itself only with the state of the relationship between two people. It’s a day to celebrate love, and nothing else. That’s why it’s the perfect day for people to celebrate with one another.

The History of National Couple’s Day

We’re unsure exactly where this holiday originated. We can’t seem to find out who created it or when it was created. We don’t think that it’s a holiday that’s been around for very long; after all, people haven’t had the time to commercialize it yet.

We’ll continue to try to research the origins of this holiday, but until we uncover the origins of this day, we’ll just have to leave it a mystery.

Some Quick Facts About Love

Who’s in the mood for some quick facts about love? We know we are, and that’s why we’ve decided to go ahead and list some facts that everyone celebrating this holiday might appreciate while they’re observing National Couple’s Day. Let’s look at them below.

  • The heart rates of people tend to synchronize after they’ve been together for a while.
  • Love causes the human body to release oxytocin.
  • Oxytocin can cause a person to lose weight.
  • Although oxytocin often makes a person feel good, it can also cause feelings of jealousy.
  • Married people are less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases than single people.
  • Holding hands with a loved one can help to alleviate pain and stress.

Observing National Couple’s Day

In our minds, the only real way to observe this holiday is for people to spend time with their better halves. People can just spend the day together in whatever way they like to hang out.

For some couples, that might mean going to the movies, to dinner, or even just curling up next to a roaring fireplace. All that matters is that people spend time together. And while they’re doing it, they can encourage other couples to do the same using the hashtag #NationalCouplesDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
August 18 Monday
Next year (2026)
August 18 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
August 18 Sunday
Relationships & Family