National Personal Chef Day

National Personal Chef Day is a holiday that’s somewhat of an enigma. What we mean is that it’s a holiday attributed to different days on the calendar. This holiday is observed on July 16th and can be celebrated in a number of different ways.

One way is for people to begin their journey toward becoming personal chefs, and the second way is for people to hire a personal chef.

The History of National Personal Chef Day

This holiday was first created by the U.S. Personal Chef Association (USPCA) a few years ago. The association was established because of the growing demand for personal chefs.

The holiday was then created to help encourage people to meet this demand by learning how to become personal chefs. It has been observed for the past several years by people who are looking to train to become a personal chef and by people who hire the services of personal chefs.

Some Interesting Facts About Personal Chefs

Although we all have an idea of what a personal chef is and what they do from day to day, the fact of the matter is that very few of us actually know a lot about these professionals. This is why we’ve decided to go ahead and do a little bit of research so that we can present some clear, concise facts about personal chefs that everyone can enjoy.

  • Personal chefs often have to be their own photographers, marketers, and food stylists.
  • Personal chefs also often have to handle the shopping for their clients.
  • Over the next decade, job growth for personal chefs is expected to exceed 25%.
  • The median salary for personal chefs in the U.S. in 2020 was $32,630.

Observing National Personal Chef Day

Each person is going to want to observe this holiday in their own way. People who are interested in becoming a personal chef can learn what it takes to do so and begin their journey toward becoming one.

On the other hand, some people may just want to feel what it would be like to retain the services of a personal chef, if only for one day. These people may want to hire a personal chef on this day and have them make something wonderful.

Everyone celebrating this holiday should take the time to use the hashtag #NationalPersonalChefDay to spread the word about it on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
July 16 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
July 16 Thursday
Last year (2024)
July 16 Tuesday
Food & Drinks, Work & Occupation