Odd Socks Day

One way that a person can set themselves apart from the crowd is by changing out of ordinary black or white socks and instead opting for something a little bit weirder. Wearing odd socks can be a great way for a person to underline their unique style and works very well as a conversation starter.

Odd Socks Day is held on the first day of the third week in November. This holiday encourages everyone to wear the most outlandish socks they can imagine to show off their unique personality and style. Let’s look into why this holiday was created before we talk about how it should be observed.

The History of Odd Socks Day

This holiday was originally created by the Anti-Bullying Alliance in the United Kingdom in 2017. The purpose of this holiday was to raise awareness about bullying in schools. The idea behind this holiday is that it’s not a bad thing for a person to stand out from the crowd, or at least, it shouldn’t be.

Yet, students have been bullied for wearing something out of the ordinary ever since schools were created. That’s why students need to observe this holiday. It shows solidarity with those students who are bullied or might be bullied for their clothing choices.

Some Quick Facts About Socks

Okay, let’s go over some quick facts about socks before we move on to how Odd Socks Day is observed. We think the following factoids will prove to be very educational to our readers. Hopefully, they will also prove to be very entertaining as well. Of course, the only way to find that out is by looking at them, so let’s do it.

  • It’s believed that humans from the Stone Age wore crude socks fashioned from animal skin.
  • The oldest surviving socks are over 1,500 years old and were found at a dig site in Egypt.
  • The word “sock” comes from the Latin word “soccus,” which means loose-fitting slipper or light shoe.
  • Argyle socks began in Scotland during the 15th century.
  • It’s been estimated that lost socks cost a family of four nearly $300 a year.

Observing Odd Socks Day

On this day, people can wear odd socks, buy odd socks, share odd socks, and help promote this holiday by using the hashtag #OddSocksDay. Students, teachers, and parents are also encouraged to take part in anti-bullying campaigns, or if no campaign exists in their school, to start one. Let’s all help to end school bullying by taking the time to wear some odd socks and by taking part in anti-bullying campaigns.

When is it?
This year (2025)
November 10 Monday
Next year (2026)
November 9 Monday
Last year (2024)
November 11 Monday