World Thinking Day

World Thinking Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on the 22nd of February and has been observed for almost a century now. Originally known simply as Thinking Day, this holiday is one that was invented by the Girl Scouts and Girl Guides and is still observed by these organizations every year.

This is a day when scouts and guides are encouraged to think about their “sisters and brothers” in all countries of the world and also about how they can spread the love of scouting. It’s a holiday that’s steeped in tradition and is observed with a wide variety of activities.

The History of World Thinking Day

World Thinking Day was created at the Fourth Girl Scout International Conference in 1926. It was decided at this conference that there needed to be a special international day when Girl Scouts and Guides would think about spreading the love of scouting and guiding. It’s been observed ever since by Girl Scouts and Guides all over the world.

Fun Facts About the Girl Scouts

Since World Thinking Day is primarily a day celebrated by and for the Girl Scouts, we thought it would be appropriate to list some of the things that we know about this organization.

This organization has been operating for over 100 years and has helped millions of girls in the process, so the least we can do is to show them some love by listing some of the facts that we know about them.

  • Currently, there are 2.6 million girls and adult members in this organization worldwide.
  • Barbara Walters and Katie Couric were both Girl Scouts.
  • The Girl Scouts sell over 200 million boxes of cookies each year.

Observing World Thinking Day

World Thinking Day can be observed by Girl Scouts and Guides the world over in much the same way that it’s always been observed. Every year, there’s a theme associated with this holiday. In 2005, the theme was “Think About Food,” and in 2022, the theme was “Our World, Our Equal Future.”

Each of these themes helps to inform participants about how this day is observed. There are also a number of traditions and activities that are observed. On the weekend close to this holiday, Girl Guides and Scouts from around the planet come together at Scoutlink to celebrate their founding and to chat with one another.

Of course, there are also in-person meetings and other special events that are observed on this holiday. This is a great way for Girl Scouts and Guides to reconnect with the history of the organization and to help introduce new recruits to it.

When is it?
This year (2025)
February 22 Saturday
Next year (2026)
February 22 Sunday
Last year (2024)
February 22 Thursday
Activity & Action