Love Island Day
Love Island is a show produced by ITV Studios and is a British dating game show that is a revival of an earlier reiteration of the same show which ran from 2005-2006. This series would start a global phenomenon with over 22 versions of this show appearing all over the world.
It has become the most-watched show on ITV2 and an internationally successful reality television show. How popular is this show? It’s so popular that all of its fans came together and created Love Island Day.
This holiday is observed on June 7th every year and celebrates everything about this iconic show. Although we can’t predict whether this holiday or the show it celebrates for that matter, is going to continue into the future, all that we can say it’s extremely popular right now.
The History Of Love Island Day
As we stated earlier, Love Island actually began in 2005 as Celebrity Love Island. However, that iteration of the show only lasted two seasons. It wouldn’t be until 2015 that ITV Studios would release their current version, as well as a number of different international versions of the show.
The popularity of this show would quickly spread across the globe. In 2018, fans decided to create a holiday that allowed them to express their love of the show and that was the beginning of Love Island Day. Since its creation, this holiday has continued to grow in popularity over the years as the show became more popular.
Observing Love Island Day
Aside from watching episodes of Love Island, how can people celebrate this holiday? Well, they can do so in a myriad of different ways. People can host their own Love Island themed-parties from the comfort of their homes, or they can make the Love Island cocktail.
This non-alcoholic cocktail is made in a highball glass with pineapple juice, apple juice, and grenadine. And people can also share their Love Island stories online using the hashtag #LoveIslandDay.