National Planner Day

Every August 1st is observed as National Planner Day. This is a holiday that’s designed to recognize and appreciate the contributions of professional planners all across the United States. These professionals provide a vital role in people as they manage a variety of products.

Although the work of these professionals varies from one individual to the next, they often work on projects such as neighborhood planning programs, grant programs, community development block grants, or historic preservation grants.

Proper urban planning allows for proper development and management which is absolutely vital to the success of these projects and that’s why the services of these professionals are so important.

The History Of National Planner Day

The planning profession has been around since the Middle Ages, but it was during the 19th century when it became a profession that was utilized on a more widespread basis. This is mainly due to the rapid growth of cities and the social and environmental problems that ultimately followed this rapid growth.

In 1900, the Harvard School of Landscape Architecture was founded and it was followed by the first professional planning association known as the American City Planning Institute (ACPI) in 1917. the ACPI would eventually become the American Planning Association or APA.

All throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries, planners have played an important role in shaping urban environments. This has resulted in greater environmental sustainability, economic development, and social equity. The planners of today work in a variety of different fields including land use, economic planning, transportation, and urban design.

Observing National Planner Day

Since this is a holiday that recognizes the work of planners, people are encouraged to show some appreciation to someone employed in this field. If a person doesn’t know any planners, they can always give a shout-out on social media using the hashtag #NationalPlannerDay. This is also a good day for people to learn more about this profession and perhaps pursue a career in this field.

When is it?
This year (2025)
August 1 Friday
Next year (2026)
August 1 Saturday
Last year (2024)
August 1 Thursday
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