National Big Wind Day

It’s not time to get that umbrella out, but on April 12th, many will be acknowledging National Big Wind Day. It is a time to recognize the biggest gust of wind ever recorded on the surface of the Earth, which occurred on April 12th, 1934. Time to explore this a little deeper and see just how significant the day is.

What Is National Big Wind Day?

It was at the Mount Washington Observatory that a gust of wind was clocked at a huge 231 kilometers per hour. This is not too surprising, given that Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern US. For decades, this was the strongest wind recorded until 1996, when a typhoon struck Australia, recording a massive 256 kilometers per hour.

The fact that we have had the technology to record such things is impressive, especially back in 1934. These strong winds can be damaging when closer to home. Windstorms are a real thing and can be deadly. There is no need to panic, as they only occur in certain areas, but there are all sorts of records of hurricanes and tornadoes tearing through communities and leaving them devastated. What is also impressive is the fact that the original record didn’t come from the middle of a hurricane.

This is why it is important to keep track and record. A local observatory will be able to talk anyone through the process. Observing their behavior can help us anticipate adverse weather conditions and be prepared. Having said that, it’s not all bad, is it? Imagine if there was no breeze or wind on a summer’s day; things would get pretty hot. So, let’s show some appreciation for the wind.

How To Observe National Big Wind Day

One of the easiest ways to get involved is to do a little research into the history of wind observation. There is a lot to learn about how we record the strength of the wind. A local observatory can help you know more about studying changes in the wind and why certain areas experience more of it than others.

On April 12th, be sure to check social media to see how everyone else is getting involved. It can be a source of inspiration, especially when using the hashtag #NationalBigWindDay – use it to show others what you have done to observe the day. There are also kits that you can buy to get kids involved. These are fun for the whole family and are generally sold as part of a weather observation kit.

It is difficult to tell when the day was created, but it is worthy of some recognition. No one is asking you to hike up to the top of Mount Washington to get involved, but studying why this became a record that remained for so long can be good fun. You don’t need to be thinking about wearing boots with weights in them any time soon, but discovering the power of the wind can be very revealing.

When is it?
This year (2024)
April 12 Friday
Next year (2025)
April 12 Saturday
Last year (2023)
April 12 Wednesday
Nature & Environment, Weird & Obscure