National Day of the Cowboy

Recognized on the fourth Saturday in July, National Day of the Cowboy is a holiday that honors the work of the American cowboy. Cowboys are a central figure in the mythology of the American West and are a symbol of freedom and adventure to many Americans. That’s why anyone who has ever enjoyed cowboy (or cowgirl) culture may want to take the time out of their day to celebrate this holiday.

The History of National Day of the Cowboy

This holiday was first created in 2005 by an organization that called themselves the National Day of the Cowboy Organization. The purpose of this organization is to celebrate cowboy and cowgirl culture and provide recognition to the people who have worked, and continue to work, this important job in American society.

Facts About the Wild West & Cowboys

Interested in cowboys? Well, if you are, then allow us to provide some interesting pieces of trivia about cowboys that we feel all of our readers can appreciate and enjoy.

When & Where Was the Wild West

Before we delve into the trivia about cowboys, it’s worth discussing exactly when and where the American Wild West was. Historically, this period occurred after the Civil War, towards the latter half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Geographically, the Wild West can be placed anywhere in the U.S. that was west of the Mississippi.

The Gold Rush Created Winners & Losers

In 1848, gold was discovered in California, which resulted in a wild gold rush where 175,000 people descended on the area to find their riches. Some people actually became rich beyond their wildest dreams, but many more ended up losing everything in search of their dream.

Trail Drives Were Part of a Cowboy’s Job

One of the important jobs performed by 19th-century cowboys was to drive cattle northward to Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming. They had to do this because, at the time, there wasn’t a direct railway line that connected Texas with the Northern and Eastern portions of the U.S. Cowboys would often use cattle trails to move up to 3,000 heads of cattle at a time.

Cowboys would move cattle along the cattle trails to the towns known as cow towns in Kansas. They would also use the Chisholm Trail to move cattle north of the Mexican border to Abilene. Other trails included the Shawnee Trail that led to St. Louis, and the Great Western Trail that led to Dodge City.

Celebrating National Day of the Cowboy

Since just about everyone has wanted to be a cowboy at one point or another, National Day of the Cowboy is a holiday worth celebrating. It can easily be celebrated by visiting a museum with an American West display or a rodeo. It can also be celebrated by watching a western, reading a western novel, or even just buying a new cowboy hat. Just be sure to use the hashtag #NationalDayOfTheCowboy to let everyone know that you’re celebrating being a cowboy for the day.

When is it?
This year (2025)
July 26 Saturday
Next year (2026)
July 25 Saturday
Last year (2024)
July 27 Saturday
Work & Occupation