National Forgiveness And Happiness Day

Even though National Forgiveness and Happiness Day began as a religious holiday, people don’t have to have faith to observe it. This holiday encourages individuals to show kindness to everyone and to forgive those who may have wronged or hurt them in the past.

It’s also a day when people can ask for forgiveness from those they have wronged. No matter how this unofficial holiday is observed, its intention is clear. It was designed to help people become better individuals and to show each other the kindness and love everyone deserves.

The History of National Forgiveness and Happiness Day

This holiday was created in 1994 as Global Forgiveness Day by the Christian Embassy of Christ’s Ambassadors. The holiday was originally observed on August 7th but was moved to July 7th.

Not long after the establishment of this holiday, October 7th was designated as National Forgiveness and Happiness Day, clearly modeled after Global Forgiveness Day. It has been observed on this date ever since.

Important Facts About Forgiveness & Happiness

Below are some important facts about forgiveness and happiness that we learned while writing about this holiday. We hope these facts are informative to everyone reading them and that they also convey a bit of joy to everyone as well.

  • Letting go of past grudges helps improve a person’s mental health, reduces stress and hostility, and lowers blood pressure.
  • Letting go of past grudges also improves a person’s immune system, enhances relationships, and reduces instances of depression.
  • People can reach a state of forgiveness by recognizing its inherent value, identifying what needs to be healed, and acknowledging the damage done by the act in question.
  • Doing good deeds helps trigger happiness in the human brain.
  • A surefire way to be happy is to spend time with happy people.
  • Some of the happiest people in the world enjoy a deep sense of community.
  • Happier people also tend to be healthier.
  • Happier people tend to live longer than those who are unhappy.

Observing National Forgiveness and Happiness Day

All a person needs to do is show and ask for forgiveness on this day and be happy while doing it. People can also spread the word about this holiday using the hashtag #ForgivenessAndHappinessDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
October 7 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
October 7 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
October 7 Monday
Relationships & Family