National Parents As Teachers Day

National Parents as Teachers Day is a holiday observed annually on November 8th that encourages parents, teachers, and Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) to come together in support of the educational needs of children. This holiday was first conceived during the 1970s and has been going strong every year to help children receive the quality education they deserve.

It’s a day on which parents can ensure that they are personally involved in their children’s education. When parents, teachers, and PTOs work together, children are more likely to be successful in their academic careers and are more likely to graduate from high school and enroll in college.

The History of National Parents as Teachers Day

The concept for this holiday began in the 1970s in Missouri when teachers in the state realized that children were starting kindergarten with varying levels of school readiness.

Some children had a foundation that would ensure a good kindergarten learning experience, but unfortunately, some did not. Research showed that when parents are more involved in their child’s education, the children are more successful.

In 1981, they decided to create Parents as Teachers as a pilot program for first-time parents of newborns. Four years later, in 1985, the Missouri legislature provided state funding to implement the Parents as Teachers program in all Missouri schools.

The holiday did not just stay in Missouri, however. Over the next several decades, the program expanded across the entire United States. Now the holiday is observed not only in all 50 U.S. states but also in six other countries as well.

Observing National Parents as Teachers Day

Although National Parents as Teachers Day is a holiday that occurs only on November 8th each year, it is a holiday that should be observed every single day of the year. Research has shown that when parents are involved, children perform better in school.

Therefore, every parent should celebrate this holiday and encourage other parents to observe this holiday by using the hashtag #NationalParentsAsTeachersDay.

When is it?
This year (2025)
November 8 Saturday
Next year (2026)
November 8 Sunday
Last year (2024)
November 8 Friday
Education & Reading, Relationships & Family