National Pomegranate Month

National Pomegranate Month is observed every November and celebrates the fruit-bearing deciduous shrub that has been cultivated since before the time of Moses. To ancient peoples, the pomegranate symbolized fertility, beauty, and even eternal life.

It was featured prominently in Jewish, Greek, and Chinese art. Even today, it remains an important fruit in central Iran and is used in coming-of-age ceremonies. And, of course, pomegranates can be enjoyed in a seemingly endless number of recipes.

People use them in salads, cocktails, baked goods, and a variety of other dishes. All of this means that this annual observance has more meaning than many of the food celebrations observed nowadays.

The History of National Pomegranate Month

The pomegranate might be an ancient fruit, but this November observance most definitely is not. We know that it has only been around for a couple of years; we’re just unsure of exactly how long.

We’re also unsure of when it was invented or who invented it. This is quite sad, considering that we’re sure whoever created this holiday probably would like some recognition for their achievement. Oh well, we’ll keep searching and maybe someday we’ll uncover the origins of this month.

Important Facts About Pomegranates

Below are some facts about pomegranates that we think people will really appreciate. We’ve searched the libraries of the ancients, as well as the modern World Wide Web, and have come across some pretty spiffy facts about pomegranates. Let’s explore them together.

  • Pomegranate means ‘apple with many seeds.’
  • Pomegranates originated in the Middle East.
  • Pomegranate trees thrive in hot and dry climates.
  • A pomegranate tree can live for over two centuries.
  • A single pomegranate can hold over 1,000 seeds.
  • To many people, pomegranates are considered a superfruit.
  • An average-sized pomegranate fruit can have 4.7 grams of protein, 28.2 mg of calcium, and 28.8 mg of vitamin C.
  • Pomegranates are rich in polyphenolic compounds and antioxidants.
  • Scientists now believe that pomegranates may reduce inflammation in a person’s body.
  • Pomegranates may also have anti-cancer properties, although more research is still needed on the subject.
  • Pomegranate extract may lower arterial inflammation, reduce blood pressure, and fight atherosclerosis.

Observing National Pomegranate Month

With the proliferation of pomegranate-based food and drinks, it’s easier now than ever before to observe National Pomegranate Month. Anyone and everyone observing this month can enjoy pomegranate juice or make their own pomegranate-based recipes. And they can share those recipes with other people online using the hashtag #NationalPomegranateMonth on social media.

When is it?
This year (2024)
November 1 Friday
Next year (2025)
November 1 Saturday
Last year (2023)
November 1 Wednesday
Food & Drinks