Organize Your Home Day

Organize Your Home Day is a holiday celebrated annually on January 14th. Although most people wait to start their spring cleaning until March or April, this holiday encourages everyone to get a head start and get their house in order.

This day is to clear your schedule of those unfinished do-it-yourself projects and to clear up the extra junk that you might have accumulated during the holiday seasons. So go ahead and retrieve all of your cleaning supplies and get to work sprucing up your home. If you do a good enough job, you may not even have to do any cleaning at all when spring rolls around.

Interesting Facts About Organizing Your Home

Organizing your home on this holiday is a great way to reduce your housework throughout the rest of the year. Don’t believe us? Well, then you might want to read about the following facts about house clutter and organization and how it affects your life.

  • The average American spends one year of their life looking for misplaced or lost items.
  • Approximately 80% of the items we keep we don’t use regularly.
  • It’s been estimated that getting rid of household clutter can reduce a person’s housecleaning time by up to 40%.
  • Most people only wear 20% of the clothes they own on a daily basis.

Observing Organize Your Home Day

On this day, you’re going to want to clear out any junk that you might have accumulated, and then organize your home so that everything is easier to find. Depending on how you’re feeling, this can be something as small as organizing the desk in your home office, or it can be something as massive as organizing your entire home. While you’re getting your home in tip-top condition, don’t forget to share this holiday with everyone else using the hashtag #OrganizeYourHomeDay on your social media accounts.

When is it?
This year (2025)
January 14 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
January 14 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
January 14 Sunday
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