National Sewing Month

September is National Sewing Month, so everyone should take a few moments to check out their sewing kit and finish that piece they started two months prior but never finished. This is the month for people to talk about sewing, breathe sewing, and above all else, sew clothing!

It’s also a great month for people to introduce their children or their friends to this art form. Sewing goes back thousands of years to the Upper Paleolithic Period and has been used by humankind to fashion clothing ever since. Without sewing, humans would be in big trouble. That’s why we think it’s important for everyone to observe this month and get a little bit of sewing practice in.

The History of National Sewing Month

We all know that U.S. President Ronald Reagan was really into jelly beans, but we didn’t figure him to be a big advocate of sewing or knitting. Yet, in September of 1982, he proclaimed National Sewing Month with the blessing of the American Sewing Guild and the Sewing and Craft Alliance. Ever since, September has been observed in honor of sewing.

Some Amazing Sewing Facts

Since we all love facts about sewing, or we presume that people do otherwise they wouldn’t be reading this article, we decided to list some of the facts we’ve learned about sewing. Don’t get too excited as you read through the following list.

  • Cotton can last over 100 years, especially if it’s well taken care of.
  • In 1893, zippers were invented.
  • Over the past 100+ years, over 4,000 different types of sewing machines have been invented.
  • Humans have been sewing for over 25,000 years to sew hide, fur, and bark to make clothing.
  • Early humans used ivory and bone as sewing needles.
  • In 1790, Thomas Saint invented the sewing machine.
  • In 1899, the first electric sewing machine was invented.
  • The Egyptians were the first people to use metal needles and pins.
  • The first steel needles used for sewing were manufactured in Germany during the 14th century.
  • Original sewing machines were manufactured using cast iron, which made them extremely tough.

Observing National Sewing Month

We don’t think that most people are going to need an explanation of how National Sewing Month should be observed, but we’ll go ahead and give one anyway. During this month, everyone should take the time to practice sewing, learn about sewing, or encourage other people to sew. We think that’s about it. Of course, people can also use the hashtag #NationalSewingMonth on social media to promote sewing to the world.

When is it?
This year (2025)
September 1 Monday
Next year (2026)
September 1 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
September 1 Sunday
Hobby & Creativity, Work & Occupation