Plant A Lemon Tree Day

Plant a Lemon Day is a holiday observed annually on the third Saturday in May, encouraging everyone to plant a lemon tree. Although not everyone lives in an area with a climate suitable for growing lemon trees, just about everyone can grow a dwarf lemon tree or citrus bonsai in a container in their home.

In locations where the average temperature never falls below 30 degrees, people can take the time to plant lemon trees in their community for everyone to use. No matter how this holiday is celebrated, it is sure to be a day filled with plenty of lemons and lemon products.

The History of Plant a Lemon Day

Lemons originated somewhere in Asia and were quickly cultivated in other areas of the world—most likely spread around thanks to the Silk Road and other trade routes that connected East and Southeast Asia with Persia, the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa, and Southern Europe.

The lemon was an immediate hit, and people quickly planted lemon trees where they could to take advantage of the fruit these trees produced. Lemons became a symbol of purification and longevity and eventually would also symbolize love and friendship.

In the Catholic tradition, lemons have long been linked to fidelity. The lemon tree has been associated with the Virgin Mary because of this association. However, lemons aren’t just symbolic of positive traits; they have also been associated with disappointment and bitterness due to their sour nature.

At this time, we do not know who invented Plant a Lemon Day. It is a holiday that was evidently created by someone who loved lemons, but there is simply not enough information on the subject.

It is not a holiday that is well-documented. We will continue to try to find out the origins of this holiday and will update this article if we find out anything new, so be sure to check back.

Observing Plant a Lemon Day

People who live in areas where winters are mild and temperatures do not fall into the 20s can usually grow lemon trees outdoors. However, those who do not live in hardiness zones 9 to 11 can still grow citrus bonsai trees or our favorite, Dwarf Meyer Lemon Plants.

These plants only grow about 6 feet tall and are easy to grow in a pot in the home or placed out on the patio during the summer months. They have to be hand-pollinated if grown indoors but are self-pollinating when grown outdoors.

They will take about 3 years to bear lemons, but once they do, they provide quite a few of them. They are perfect for indoor use and perfect for Plant a Lemon Day.

When is it?
This year (2025)
May 17 Saturday
Next year (2026)
May 16 Saturday
Last year (2024)
May 18 Saturday
Activity & Action, Nature & Environment