Independence Day in El Salvador

September 15th is a special holiday in many Central American countries, such as El Salvador. That’s because it’s Independence Day, a day that commemorates the independence of the Central American provinces from Spain in 1821. This holiday is celebrated in solidarity with other countries in the region, and festivities can be similar from one country to the next.

In El Salvador, there are parades, the raising of the national flag, singing of the national anthem, and open-air concerts. Since it’s a public holiday, it’s also a day off for the general population, and many businesses, schools, and non-essential government agencies are closed for the day.

The History of Independence Day in El Salvador

It was three centuries from the time that Spanish conquistadors visited the area now known as El Salvador to the time that it became ruled by Spain, beginning in 1525. By the 17th century, El Salvador had become a part of the Kingdom of Guatemala, a conglomerate of nations that not only included El Salvador but also Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Guatemala itself.

During the 19th century, the thirst for independence began to rise in the area, and by September 15th, 1821, the Province of Guatemala declared the Act of Independence of Central America. This is why El Salvador, Costa Rica, and other Central American countries all celebrate their independence on the same day of the year.

Observing Independence Day in El Salvador

On this holiday, parades take place all over El Salvador, and the main component of these parades are the student bands that compose them. Students spend the majority of the year before Independence Day practicing for their school bands so they can possibly be included in these celebrations. These parades also feature floats, the display of the national flag, and fireworks. It’s customary to shoot off fireworks on this holiday in the evening.

Where is it celebrated?
El salvador (National holiday)
When is it?
This year (2025)
September 15 Monday
Next year (2026)
September 15 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
September 15 Sunday