National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day

Most people think of February 14th as only Valentine’s Day, but few realize that this holiday is also National Cream-Filled Chocolate Day, which, if you think about it, makes quite a bit of sense. After all, how many people receive boxes of cream-filled chocolates on this holiday?

We figure quite a few people get boxes of chocolates, so anyone wishing to observe this holiday and Valentine’s Day can kill two birds with one stone. Of course, anyone celebrating this day will have a pretty hard time deciding what types of chocolates they want to enjoy.

Delicious Chocolate Facts

Is chocolate the main part of cream-filled chocolates, or is cream the main part? We can’t rightly decide, so we decided to do some research and find out all we could about chocolate. That way, we can share our knowledge with everyone reading this article.

  • The Mayans used chocolate as a form of currency.
  • Europe consumes half of the world’s chocolate supply.
  • Ruth Graves Wakefield accidentally invented chocolate chip cookies.
  • Chocolate has over 600 flavor compounds.
  • Hershey makes over 70 million Hershey’s Kisses a day.
  • Chocolate milk was invented in the early 18th century in Jamaica.
  • It takes 500 cocoa beans to make just one pound of chocolate.
  • Nestlé was founded in 1866 in Vevey, Switzerland.
  • Approximately 1.5 million Creme Eggs are made by Cadbury per day!

Observing National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day

We think the best way to celebrate this holiday is by running out and buying a chocolate sampling pack. Once that little task has been accomplished, you can then give out this sampling pack to your loved one for Valentine’s Day or enjoy it on your own. It’s also a good day to use the hashtag #CreamFilledChocolatesDay on social media to spread the word about this sweet holiday.

When is it?
This year (2025)
February 14 Friday
Next year (2026)
February 14 Saturday
Last year (2024)
February 14 Wednesday
Food & Drinks