National Eat What You Want Day

Most people spend the majority of the year avoiding foods that they like but aren’t necessarily good for them. They avoid things like candy bars, potato chips, ice cream, and cakes, as well as candy and soda. Maintaining this level of discipline can be difficult over the course of an entire year, so a holiday was invented to give people a bit of relief. This holiday is called National Eat What You Want Day, a day that’s celebrated on May 11th and allows people to eat whatever they want.

The History of Eat What You Want Day

This day was invented by Wellcat, a website that has created several different holidays and is dedicated to selling herbal products and information. They created this holiday so people would take the pressure off themselves and just enjoy a good meal with their friends and family. After all, one day of falling off your diet routine isn’t going to harm your health, and in many instances, it can help people maintain a healthy diet for the rest of the year.

Some Interesting Facts About Eating Habits

During our holiday research, we often come across great bits of information that we like to pass on to our readers. And this holiday is no different. As we researched National Eat What You Want Day, we discovered some interesting facts about eating practices not only in the United States but around the world.

  • Approximately 25% of all Americans eat some type of fast food every day.
  • Over 10 billion donuts are eaten annually in the U.S.
  • One out of five meals eaten by Americans is eaten in their cars.
  • Ten percent of American disposable income is spent on fast food annually.
  • Many people in India eat their meals primarily with their hands.
  • In Japan, hot towels called oshibori are often passed out to restaurant patrons to clean up with before eating.
  • Russians often eat their heaviest meal between 1 and 3 P.M.
  • McDonald’s has restaurants in over 126 countries.
  • There are more than 10,000 pizzerias in the United Kingdom.
  • In the United States, there are more than 61,000 pizzerias.

Observing National Eat What You Want Day

Celebrating this holiday shouldn’t be too difficult for most people. After all, the only thing they need to do is to enjoy the foods they would ordinarily avoid. For some people, this might mean eating things like greasy hamburgers, hot dogs with all the works, or their favorite sweet treats. This is a day to enjoy a slice of pie for dessert, or maybe some tortilla chips as a midday snack. Regardless of how you celebrate the holiday, however, just be sure to use the hashtag #NationalEatWhatYouWantDay to let everyone know that you’re celebrating this holiday and might need a good antacid.

When is it?
This year (2025)
May 11 Sunday
Next year (2026)
May 11 Monday
Last year (2024)
May 11 Saturday
Food & Drinks