National Raisin Day

Because small bits of joy need a day dedicated to them too, on April 30th we celebrate National Raisin Day. Yes, it might seem a little far-fetched to some, but as a healthy snack or just thrown into the cake mix, they are wrinkly and perfectly formed. So what is it about them that makes them so sweet and deserving of a day? Let’s find out…

What Is National Raisin Day?

You can go all the way back to 2000 BC to the time of the Ancient Egyptians to find evidence of raisins being produced. They were the subject of ancient writings and were even a form of currency (almost sounds like a pun there!). Since the 1970s, when it was found that producing raisins could create more profit than grapes alone, a new industry was born.

The first National Raisin Day was actually created in 1909 by raisin growers in California. They sent advertisements around on flyers, wrote in the local paper to promote the day, and promoted it as a celebration on April 30th. Since then, the day has grown, especially in the age of the internet where discovering new days of the year has become easy.

The original National Raisin Day saw scores of people bringing dishes featuring raisins and even promoted the importance of the Californian raisin-producing industry, as well as the health benefits. FYI – these include reducing blood sugar and pressure, lowering bad cholesterol, which in turn benefits the heart. They are also a healthy alternative to other sugar-filled snacks that can cause one to gain weight. For kids, a handful of raisins can make a perfect snack between meals that will keep them going.

How To Observe National Raisin Day

The most obvious way is by purchasing some raisins and using them. Either bake them into something delicious (yes, we’re looking at you, cinnamon buns) or grab a handful and eat them on the go.

Did you know you can make raisin wine? Well, there is another opportunity to make the most of them and benefit differently. Even making your own raisins from grapes can be educational for the kids, and a lot of yummy (potentially sticky) fun. To do this, remove the skins and leave them on a rack in the sun for a few days. Dry them in an airtight container to reap the benefits. There are ways to ensure they are clean and not tampered with by bugs, so your best bet is to find out how the online experts would tackle this.

You could use April 30th as an excuse to use raisins in every meal for the day. Why not a breakfast muffin followed by some form of raisin-infused pudding for lunch and dinner?

Spread the word and get involved on social media. Use the hashtag #NationalRaisinDay to see what everyone else is doing to celebrate the day and share your own activities. For many, inspiration comes when getting the kids involved as they will have their own unique ideas on how to mark this fun day.

When is it?
This year (2025)
April 30 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
April 30 Thursday
Last year (2024)
April 30 Tuesday
Food & Drinks