National Truffle Day

National Truffle Day is a holiday that’s celebrated annually on May 2nd. Although the word “truffle” is used to refer to the white or black subterranean fungi that grow in forests, often under the shade of an oak tree, this holiday doesn’t celebrate that food item. No, this holiday is used to celebrate the chocolate dessert truffles that so many people all around the world love. Dessert truffles come with a variety of surprises built into them, from cream centers to the addition of fruits, nuts, or nougat, so this holiday is sure to provide people with quite the culinary journey.

The History Of Chocolate Truffles

We tried and failed to find the history of this holiday, so we had to switch gears a little bit and instead research the history of chocolate truffles. And we’re glad that we did because this topic turned out to be extremely interesting. Let’s just jump right into it and find out who invented truffles and why they invented them.

It’s believed that chocolate truffles were first invented by Louis Dufour in 1895 in Chambéry, France. Monsieur Dufour was a French pâtissier who wanted to come up with an interesting treat for Christmas. So he took some ganache, formed it into a ball, and then dipped it into melted chocolate. He then dusted them with cocoa powder, and the chocolate truffle was born.

Several years later, in 1902, Antoine Dufour, a relative of Louis, immigrated to England and he took the family’s truffle recipe with him. He opened up a shop called Prestat Chocolate Shop. The rest is history, and chocolate truffles are now made using a wide variety of ingredients and techniques.

Fun Facts About Chocolate Truffles

We’ve decided to round up a few random but fun facts about chocolate truffles, so everyone will have a bit of knowledge they can drop on their friends and family while celebrating this holiday.

  • The inside of chocolate truffles is usually made from a soft ganache.
  • Sometimes nuts, fruits, caramel, creams, or other ingredients are added to chocolate truffles.
  • Chocolate truffles are usually spherical in shape, but they can be made in other shapes as well.
  • Chocolate truffles are named after the fungus known as a truffle because they look quite a bit like them.

Celebrating National Truffle Day

National Truffle Day is a holiday that can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere. Even if a person doesn’t have the technical skill to make their own chocolate truffles, there are plenty of places that sell high-quality chocolate truffles. And while a person celebrates this holiday with some perfectly made sweet treats, they can then use the hashtag #NationalTruffleDay on their social media accounts to let the world know that they’re indulging their sweet tooth.

When is it?
This year (2025)
May 2 Friday
Next year (2026)
May 2 Saturday
Last year (2024)
May 2 Thursday
Food & Drinks