Show And Tell At Work Day

Show and Tell at Work Day is a holiday observed annually on January 8th. It’s a day for people to show off things they love to their coworkers. Perhaps you have a deep love for the Beatles, carrot cake, role-playing games, or literally anything else you might be interested in.

If you tell your coworkers that you’re going to observe this holiday before it arrives, then that gives them a chance to also share the things they love. This allows people to exchange the cool things they love and fosters an exchange of ideas. Sounds like a great holiday to us!

The History of Show and Tell at Work Day

Show and tell is something that has been used in schools for decades. Also known as sharing time or show and share, this activity dates back to at least the 1920s and might even go further back than that. The first written explanation of it didn’t appear until the 1950s, however. This is when it appeared in the journal Childhood Education in 1954.

Show and tell is used to develop storytelling abilities, help students forge connections with one another, and allow students to bridge the gap between home and school. It is also commonly used for developing speaking ability and teaching vocabulary. Show and tell is not only common in the United States but is also used in classrooms in Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and a number of other countries.

As far as Show and Tell at Work Day goes, this holiday was invented by the popular website This site is known for creating such amazing holidays as Snow Plow Mailbox Hockey Day, Humbug Day, and Name Your PC Day. They invented this holiday sometime after 2018, we believe, although we don’t have exact statistics to accurately pinpoint the date.

Observing Show and Tell at Work Day

This holiday can be easily observed simply by sharing some of the things you enjoy with your coworkers. We recommend everyone who works together to plan an event together as a group so it can be observed like a party.

Imagine everyone bringing food, drinks, their favorite games, and some of the things they’re passionate about. Sounds like a good time, although we predict that most people aren’t going to be able to get much work done.

Just be sure to get your boss’s permission to throw a Show and Tell Party, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #ShowAndTellAtWorkDay to spread the word about it. Now go out there and have some fun.

When is it?
This year (2025)
January 8 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
January 8 Thursday
Last year (2024)
January 8 Monday
Work & Occupation