Collect Rocks Day

Some fun days are good for a laugh, but this one rocks (ahem!). On September 16th, Collect Rocks Day, people around the world join in this fun event. It is more than just grabbing a few tools and digging until you find something; it is a chance to connect with nature, to learn about different rocks and materials, and even to have fun with the family.

History Of Collect Rocks Day

Depending on how much you want to delve into the geology side of the day, Collecting Rocks Day can have an educational significance or lean towards getting out and doing something fun. We could go into the theories behind how the earth was formed, but let’s bring things a little closer to now and consider geology.

In which case, Scotsman James Hutton is the man to delve deeper into. He is widely considered to be the first geologist, so if you want to study rocks, you need to study Mr. Hutton. Once a farmer and a doctor, he retired to dedicate himself to the study of how rocks were formed. He was the first to theorize that landscapes changed over time and underwent a continuing transformation.

Even in the face of opposition theories of the time, such as those that believed all rocks were formed undersea, he published many books related to his studies.

Later, it would be studies by prominent geologists that helped to determine that Earth is the way it is, including its age, and how the continents were formed. In the 4.5 billion-year history of the earth, it is geology that has helped us understand it better. It isn’t uniquely rocks that geologists are concerned with. It is everything from water, energy, climate change, and even natural disasters can be made some sense of as a result of the study of geology.

2015 was the first named Collect Rocks Day that we continue to observe today.

How To Observe Collect Rocks Day

This is a common day for schools to get involved with. It is easy to raise a bit of excitement among students who are hoping to pan some gold or find a shiny rock, maybe even some form of fossil at the beach if that is a possible location for exploring. Otherwise, it is a great opportunity for learning the different names of gemstones.

Many of them are easily found. Quartz is commonly found in the backyard. Check the type of minerals that can be found in your state and look at how easy it is to find them. Otherwise, why not collect a few rocks (be mindful of the law; some places do not permit certain materials to be taken from certain areas) and study them when home.

It can be fun to take a walk and see what you come across. If you have collected them and taken them home, painting them can be a fun activity. Better still, paint a nice message or inspirational word on them and give them to a friend or loved one as a gift.

When is it?
This year (2025)
September 16 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
September 16 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
September 16 Monday
Activity & Action, Hobby & Creativity